“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase”, so goes a quote attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. It is this faith in some unseen higher power that has prompted Noah to build the ark, saved Daniel from being devoured by lions, helped David defeat Goliath, and so on and so forth.
It is this same faith that’s probably the reason why thousands of devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary from all walks of life go to great lengths just to visit one of her most popular enclaves in the southern part of Cebu Province, which, in a way, has become a tourist magnet itself, attracting hordes of the faithful.
I’ve visited quite a number of Cebu’s southern towns—Argao, Boljoon, Carcar, Dalaguete and Oslob—but it’s my first time to make it to Sibonga where the village of Simala is found. I guess it’s this same faith that propelled me to explore an unfamiliar destination despite the downpour that accompanied Typhoon Luis.
(For more about my pilgrimage to some of Cebu’s heritage towns, visit my posts at http://scorpio-sojourn.blogspot.com/2014/06/captivated-by-cebus-colonial-churches.html; http://scorpio-sojourn.blogspot.com/2014/06/captivated-by-cebus-colonial-churches_23.html; http://scorpio-sojourn.blogspot.com/2014/06/captivated-by-cebus-colonial-churches_28.html ; http://scorpio-sojourn.blogspot.com/2014/07/captivated-by-cebus-colonial-churches_1.html; and http://scorpio-sojourn.blogspot.com/2014/07/captivated-by-cebus-colonial-churches_5.html).
In the hilly part of Sibonga, the Monastery of the Holy Eucharist (MHE) attracts people from all over the country and even beyond who travel for almost two hours from downtown Cebu just to seek healing, guidance, and redemption in what has come to be known as the Simala Shrine.
buying an umbrella from one of the itinerant vendors at the bus stop, I scouted
for an available tricycle that would take me to the shrine. Fortunately, I struck a
deal with a fellow named Cyrus who agreed to drive me up the hills and take my
photos (of course for a fee which I found reasonable enough).
thirty minutes later, we reached our destination. From a distance, the
awe-inspiring structure, reminded me so much of the European castles I’ve seen
in pictures. Standing prominently in the hills, it had pointed spires
that seemed to reach upward into the sky and concrete walkways and staircases
that lead pilgrims into it.
Exploring the shrine later, I was amazed to see several crutches, wheelchairs, and school nameplates, along with letters and thank you notes from countless souls who have experienced the divine grace of the Blessed Mother. Those healed left messages proclaiming that miracles do happen and they happen to those who believe.
the unbelievers, these are nothing but figments of the wild imagination but for
the many pilgrims who came, believed and experienced the numerous miracles
attributed to the Blessed Virgin, it’s gospel truth! As St. Thomas Aquinas
aptly put it, “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one
without faith, no explanation is possible.”
Drenched by the heavy rains that pounded the province that day, I never regretted my decision to explore the shrine. Though it was curiosity that first prompted me to visit the place, it was faith in the unseen Higher Power that kept me going, sustaining me throughout my sojourn to the mystery known as Simala. :-D
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